Add Authors


Step 1. Go to Authors at the top of the left-hand side menu.




Step 2.  Click the + Add an Author button and start typing in the name or email address of the author. A drop-down list of matching ARPHA users appears.


If the person you are seeking shows in the list, click on his/her name. If not, use the Add a new author button at the bottom of the list to create a new user and add him/her as a co-author.




Step 3. In the new pop-window, enter / edit the user information, so it is up-to-date. Make sure to fill in all mandatory fields. 


Assign him/her with the user rights to either Edit & comment or Comment only within the manuscript. 




Step 4. When you click Invite, you will see the automatically generated email invitation. Use the blank space on top to add a personal message.