Acronym when used in the analysis;Species (Rakotondrainibe et al. in press);Specimens collected in Isalo (selection) ;; ;Actiniopteris dimorpha Pic.Serm.;Humbert 2792 (P) ;; Ac;Adiantum capillus-veneris L.;"Service Forestier R29; Reeb CR19M56 (DBEV)" ;; ;Alsophila dregei (Kunze) R.M.Tryon;"Perrier de la Bathie 16561 (P); Humbert 28724 (P); Peltier 5521 (P)" ;; ;Alsophila hyacinthei R.M.Tryon var. hyacinthei;"Perrier de la Bathie 16573 (P); Decary. 4786 (P, TAN); Janssen 2604 (P)" ;; ;Anemia madagascariensis C.Chr.;"Perrier de la Bathie 15860 (P) 1910; Humbert 2857 (P)" ;; Ao;Arthropteris orientalis (G.F.Gmel.) Posth. var. orientalis;"Bosser 17515 (P); Labat J.N. 2145 (P, TAN); Reeb CR19M131 (DBEV)" ;; ;Asplenium aff. aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Becherer;Randrianarimanana R016 (DBEV) ;; ;Asplenium blastophorum Hieron.;A. Gimalac s.n (BR) ;; Abu;Asplenium buettneri Hieron.;"Bosser 17532 (P); Rakotondrainibe 619 (P)" ;; Ae;Asplenium erectum Bory ex Willd.;Reeb CR19M130 (DBEV) ;; ;Asplenium formosum Willd.;Kessler 12699 (UC1749791) ;; ;Asplenium pseudostuhlmannii Viane;"Humbert 2815 (P); Peltier 5786 (P)" ;; Ba;Blechnum attenuatum (Sw.) Mett.;"Rakotondrainibe 615 (TAN); Randrianarimanana R023 (DBEV)" ;; ;Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn;"Decary 16374 (P); Humbert 28767 (P)" ;; Bi;Blotiella isaloensis (Tardieu) J.P.Roux;"Humbert 29781 (P); Reeb CR19M75 (DBEV)" ;; ;Cheilanthes bonapartei J.P.Roux;"Humbert 2828 (P); Humbert 28625 (P)" ;; ;Cheilanthes hirta Sw.;Homolle 1549 (P) ;; ;Cheilanthes perrieri J.P.Roux;"Humbert H2795; Humbert 19483 (P)" ;; Dl;Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw.;"Humbert 19530 (P); Leandri 3909" ;; De;Didymoglossum erosum (Willd.) P.Roux;"Rakotondrainibe 6959 (P); Reeb CR19M15 (DBEV)" ;; Dk;Doryopteris kitchingii (Baker) Bonap. ex C.Chr.;Reeb CR19M106 (DBEV) ;; ;Elaphoglossum poolii (Baker) Christ;"Bosser17676 (P); Reeb CR19M119 (DBEV)" ;; Er;Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.;Reeb CR19M102 (DBEV) ;; ;Gleichenia polypodioides (L.) Sm.;"Humbert 4991 (P); Decary 16372 (P); Bosser 19986 (TAN); Reeb CR19M77 (DBEV)" ;; ;Gymnosphaera rouhaniana (Rakotondr. & Janssen) S.Y.Dong;Janssen 2605 (MO, P, TAN) ;; Hi;Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.;"Rakotondrainibe 613 (TAN); Reeb CR19M113 (DBEV)" ;; Mt;Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching;Randrianarimanana R02809 (DBEV) ;; Mm;Marsilea minuta L.;"Janssen T 2607 (P); Reeb CR19M21 (DBEV)" ;; ;Microlepia speluncae (L.) T.Moore;Identified in the field ;; Nb;Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott;Randrianarimanana R007 (DBEV) ;; Oc;Odontosoria chinensis (L.) J.Sm.;"Perrier de la Bathie 16557 (P); Peltier 3062 (P); Keraudren 25320 (P)" ;; Ol;Oleandra distenta Kunze;Rakotondrainibe 590 (TAN) ;; ;Osmolindsaea latisquama Lehtonen & Rouhan;"Perrier de la Bathie 16556 (P); Humbert 5003 (TAN, P); Reeb CR19M110 (BDEV)" ;; Or;Osmunda regalis L. var. obtusifolia (Kaulf.) Milde;"Humbert 29868 (P); Keraudren 373, 375 (P); Rakotondrainibe 591 (TAN); Randriananrimanana R10 (DBEV)" ;; ;Pellaea angulosa (Bory ex Willd.) Baker;Labat 2127 (P) ;; ;Pellaea boivinii Hook.;"Peltier 5788 (P); Labat 139 (TAN); A. Pourriau 03 10.08.2019 (DBEV)" ;; ;Pellaea calomelanos (Sw.) Link;Perrier de la Bathie 15850 (P) ;; ;Pellaea dura (Willd.) Hook.;"Humbert 29764 (P); A. Pourriau 01 09.08.2019 (DBEV)" ;; ;Pellaea pectiniformis Baker;"Humbert 2856 (P); Humbert 19522 (P); Humbert 28677 (P); Decary 16377 (P); James S. Miller 4536 (MO); Laurence 2065 (TAN)" ;; Pa;Pityrogramma argentea (Willd.) Domin;"Poisson 679 (P); Humbert 2813 (P); Decary 16293 (P); Bosser 13877 (P)" ;; Pc;Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link;"Rakotondrainibe 612 (TAN); Reeb CR19M76 (DBEV)" ;; ;Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv.;"Perrier de la Bathie 16553 (P); Humbert 5830 (P); S.F. 24110 bis (P)" ;; Paq;Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp. capense (Thunb) C.Chr.;"Humbert 29755 (P); Reeb CR19M78 (DBEV)" ;; Pp;Pteris pseudolonchitis Bory ex Willd.;Jardin Botanique 4755 (P) ;; Pf;Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock;"Humbert 2837 (P); Keraudren 3851960 (P); Rakotondrainibe 616 (P, TAN); Randrianarimanana 006 (DBEV)" ;; St;Stenochlaena tenuifolia (Desv.) T.Moore;"Humbert 2898 (P); Bosser 17526 (P); Rakotondrainibe 614 (P); Rouhan 477 (P); Humbert 2904 (MO); Reeb CR19M30 (DBEV)" ;; Sf;Sticherus flagellaris (Bory ex Willd.) Ching;Reeb CR19M116 (DBEV) ;; Ta;Thelypteris arbuscula (Willd.) K.Iwats.;Reeb C19M115 (DBEV) ;; ;Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.V.Morton;Humbert 19596 (P) ;; Td;Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John;Reeb CR19M109 (DBEV) ;; Ti;Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats.;"Humbert 29869 (P); Peltier 5782 (P); Reeb CR19M41 (DBEV)" ;; Tu;Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton;"Andriambololonera 406 (MO); Reeb CR19M104 (DBEV)" ;; ;Lygodium kerstenii Kuhn;Reeb CR19M56 bis (DBEV) ;; Ll;Lygodium lanceolatum Desv.;"Keraudren 408; Rakotondrainibe 592 (TAN)" ;; Lce;Palhinhaea cernua (L.) Franco & Vasc.;Identified in the field ;; Lca;Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Holub;"Perrier de la Bathie 8335 (P); Decary 16359 (P); Humbert 4961 (P)" ;; ;Selaginella digitata Spring.;Peltier 5784 (P) ;; Se;Selaginella echinata Baker;"Humbert 2823 (P); Bosser 17453 (P); Morat 3764 (P); Raharimalala 1652 bis (P)" ;; ;Selaginella helicoclada Alston;"Humbert 2794 (P); Raharimalala 1652"